
Development Environment

Docker is required follow these install instructions.


# install home brew this will also install Xcode command line tool.  Follow all instructions given during install
$ ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL”

# update brew
$ brew update

# install pyenv
$ brew install pyenv

# You may need to manually set PYENV_ROOT, open a new terminal and see if it
# was set by the install proces:

$ echo $PYENV_ROOT

## Setting Manually
# If your PYENV_ROOT isn't set, you can use either $HOME/.pyenv or the
# homebrew pyenv directory, /usr/local/opt/pyenv.  Put
# export PYENV_ROOT=/usr/local/opt/pyenv
# -or-
# export PYENV_ROOT="$HOME"/.pyenv
# in your .bashrc or .bash_profile, or whatever your appropriate dotfile is.
# ---
## Setting with oh-my-zsh
# You can just use the pyenv plugin.  Open your .zshrc and make sure that
# this line:
#   plugins=(git rvm osx pyenv)
# contains pyenv.  Yours may have more or fewer plugins.
# If you just activated the pyenv plugin, you need to open a new shell to
# make sure it loads.

# install libyaml
$ brew install libyaml

# install a few plugins for pyenv
$ mkdir -p $PYENV_ROOT/plugins
$ git clone "git://" "${PYENV_ROOT}/plugins/pyenv-pip-rehash"
$ git clone "git://" "${PYENV_ROOT}/plugins/pyenv-virtualenv"
$ git clone "git://"  "${PYENV_ROOT}/plugins/pyenv-which-ext"

##  Load pyenv-virtualenv when shells are created:
# To make sure that both of your pugins are loading, these lines should be
# in one of your dotfiles.
#     eval "$(pyenv init -)"
#     eval "$(pyenv virtualenv-init -)"

# Now that it will load automatically, activate the plugin for this shell:
$ eval "$(pyenv virtualenv-init -)"

# install a specific version
$ pyenv install 2.7.10

# create a virtual env
$ pyenv virtualenv 2.7.10 freight-forwarder

# list all of your virtual environments
$ pyenv virtualenvs

# activate your environment
$ pyenv activate freight-forwarder

# clone repo
$ git clone

# install requirements
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Style Guidelines

Coming soon!

Release Steps

  • version++; The verson can be found freight_forwarder/
  • Update change log.
  • Git tag the version
  • $ python ./ bdist_wheel
  • Upload to pypi.

Build Documentation


$ pip install freight-forwarder

The freight-forwarder.yml file will have to be updated with your specific docker host info:

  alexb: &alexb
    address: "" # <- Change me
    ssl_cert_path: "/Users/alexb/.docker/machine/machines/ff02-dev" # <- Change me
    verify: false

          - *alexb

Then just run Freight to start the documentation containers:

$ freight-forwarder quality-control --environment development --data-center local --service docs

After the containers start you can find the documentation at: your_container_ip:8080


$ cd docs/
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ make html

The html can found here: ./docs/_build/